Trail Rx Stop 2 on the Maple Loop Trail is a bench along the trail, facing a ravine. Your mental health prescription for this Trail Rx stop is below. You may read the invitation or you may listen to a recording of the invitation. Be sure the volume on your phone or ear buds is turned up so that you can comfortably hear the speaker. After listening to the recording, you may need to stop the Soundcloud application from automatically advancing to another audio file. Perhaps you'll want to take some time after reading or listening to the invitation to reflect or to notice your environment.
Click here for a recording of the following invitation:
Sit Spot is an invitation to sit in nature on a bench or on the ground with no agenda for 20 minutes by the clock. It is believed that animals and insects and birds become comfortable with our presence at around the 20-minute mark and no longer see us as a threat. So, silence or turn off the notifications on your phone, and simply sit and notice what you notice. You might find that journaling after Sit Spot is enjoyable or useful to you.
A study found that college students who spent five minutes sitting outdoors on a park bench, unplugged from their devices (versus controls who sat in a windowless laboratory room) reported a significant increase in positive emotions (Neill, 2018). Enjoy the bench on Maple Trail or walk the trail (takes about seven minutes) and notice if your mood is affected.
Click here for a recording of the following invitation:
Sit Spot is an invitation to sit in nature on a bench or on the ground with no agenda for 20 minutes by the clock. It is believed that animals and insects and birds become comfortable with our presence at around the 20-minute mark and no longer see us as a threat. So, silence or turn off the notifications on your phone, and simply sit and notice what you notice. You might find that journaling after Sit Spot is enjoyable or useful to you.
A study found that college students who spent five minutes sitting outdoors on a park bench, unplugged from their devices (versus controls who sat in a windowless laboratory room) reported a significant increase in positive emotions (Neill, 2018). Enjoy the bench on Maple Trail or walk the trail (takes about seven minutes) and notice if your mood is affected.